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Artigrafiche Boccia of Salerno, Top Heidelberg customer

at the beginning and of Komori recently, came back to Heidelberg brand with a semi new Heidelberg reconditioned and installed from Camporese.

Three months have already passed our Heidelberg XL 105-6LX has been running three shifts per day at supersonic speed and zero downtime and zero technical problems, also thanks to our Intelligent Remote Service (IRS) studied by our engineers, (42 active installations !!) with which by a special software in Windows via ADSL we can monitoring and operating via web assisting the machine and the operator "just in time" for every kind of technical problem should arise during the production with 90% of probabilities of successful to solve it avoiding costly reparation onsite !

The old XL105-5LX has been sold by Camporese to China and it had printed 420 mio. impressions in 10 years with speed from around 13 and 16.000 impressions/h with an excellent quality until the end of his staying in Italy. The machine, after an important general refurbishment process, will start printing again in Asia where a printer is waiting for it.

We wish to express our thanks to ArtiGrafiche Boccia team, in particular to Orazio, Maurizio & Vincenzo Boccia, the owners, the opportunity they have given to us to show them our competence that represents a building foundation for a mutual fruitful cooperation between our family business companies.

We are proud to remind you the whole of our customers above all for recent deal now are running with Heidelber machines supplied by us, such us : Pusterla 1881 (VA) XL105-6LX-3-UV, Cosmografica Albertini (MI) CD102-8LX3, Goldprint (CR) CD102-6LX2 & CD102-6LX2, Bramucci (Milano) CD102-6LX2, OGM Padova SM102-10P & SM102-10P, Omnia Arti Grafiche (MI) CD102-6LX & SM52-5LX, La Pieve (Villa Verruchio) SM102-10P, La Grafica Faggian (PD) SM102-10P, SATE (FE) CD102-5LX, CD102-5L, SM102-8P, SM52-5LX (etc,.), Derthona (AL) SM102-8P, CCL Label (MI) SM102-5P3L, Graficart Resana (TV) CD102-6LX, SM102-10P, SM74-6P2LX, Grafiche Dalpiaz (Ravine TN) XL105-5LX, Gruppo Reggiani (VR) CD102-5LX, Milano Pharm (MI) CD102-5LX

We are also proud to remind you the post sale service to a lot of important customers such us : NAVA, POZZOLI, etc,.. between the most important European printers.


Camporese Macchine Grafiche S.p.A
Via Del Santo, 243 - 35010 - Limena (Padova) Italy
+39 049 767166
+39 049 767629
Partita Iva IT03429400280
Euro 2.000.000,00 issued and fully paid-up share capital
Euro 5.495.000,00 net asset


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