Ink Interface link from your press console to your ctp
Improves your pressroom efficiency by communicating ink coverage data directly to your press
InkInterface, connection between CTP and all kind of Heidelberg machines, compatible with each workflow, no necessary additional licenses and no unexpected costs!
InkInterface is our connection kit highly precise and reliable, developed by our engineers. The connection between several control consols (CP2000 / Print Center / CPTronic) and the Computer To Plate is fundamental and essential, today.
Our universal interface allows to connect every Heidelberg machine to every workflow (Agfa, Kodak, Fuji, Screen, etc.), allowing the fully automated opening ink duct in every recent and earlier machines.
Feature and benefits No wasting time during start-up, the "make ready" is reduced greatly
Reduces the quantity of the paper and the ink used, just after some paper the job is ready!
Perfect matching between ink quantity and ink duct opening
Displaying with preview of the printing ready jobs and plates, on the classic screen or mega Wallscreen
List of print job data is stored for printing job and for re-print (useful for re-print)
Managing of the flat dyes (Pantone) with visual aid for the operator
Easy use, automate in an instant what is being done by hand in 25-30 minutes
Provides savings in the press room giving a quick return on investment
Achieving considerable increases in quality and productivity
The only one no Heidelberg system that has a comparable quality than original (or even more better!)
Highly configurable for any size (52 / 74 / 75 / 102 / 105)
Compatible with all the Heidelberg machines model SM, CD, XL (no limitation)
Compatible with all the existing market CTP, workflow, RIP, with or without CIP3 out
Plate images are processed and automatically converted into openings ink (ink levels) through a special high-tech mini-Server add-in, mounted close to the touch CP2000 or PressCenter. The algorithm of this new system is highly reliable and - ink duct adjustments zone of each printing units is adjusted automatically without the intervention of the operator. Exactly as in the PrepressInterface system, the system InkInterface connects via Ethernet network to both to the CTP and to the CP2000 or PressCenter. In case of older machines equipped with CPTronic/CPC104 console, the transfer occurs by Flash Memory Card.
For connecting InkInterface is not necessary your workflow/RIP to be equipped with CIP3 export option. Furthermore, the CTP can be local or remote. In case of external services the connection is met by Internet.
Overview of compatibility Heidelberg SM / CD / XL machines
The interface system allows to calculate and transfer the data of inking zone level to:
All the machines with touchscreen CP2000 o Print Center console, from the year 2000 and onwards
All the machines with CPTronic / CPC104 console, up to the year 1999
The InkInterface kit includes the following elements and services
Software CD + 1 complete Apple computer
installation + connection to Heidelberg Console (Prinect / CP2000 / Cpc104) and local network of the client (already prepared)
configuration, adjusting and starting of the system with test print
instruction, phone assistance, warranty
Camporese Macchine Grafiche S.p.A Via Del Santo, 243 - 35010 - Limena (Padova) Italy +39 049 767166 +39 049 767629 Partita Iva IT03429400280 Euro 2.000.000,00 issued and fully paid-up share capital