Used Presses machines for Sale

Heidelberg KBA Komori Manroland BOBST POLAR STAHL

Sheetfed Offset/Offset a foglioLabels machine/Macchina per etichette
  • Labels machine/Macchina per etichette

    NILPETER M3300 2007

    Ref no: 24036429

    Accessories: Unwinder , Double Corona treatment , Converting device , Nr 6 Offset Units , Hot stamping unit ( NEW) , Nr 1 Offset unit or Screen printing , Nr 2 Fexo units , Camera control

    Availability: Immediately

  • Sheetfed Offset/Offset a foglio

    Komori SPRINT GS 28-2 P 2004

    Ref no: 25036501

    Accessories: Remote control opening inkwell screws , Axial, circumferencial and diagonal register remote control , Ink remote control , KPD (Pre-inking and De-inking) , Control panel with integrated touch panel with output (touch panel) , Preset copy counter , Total copies counter , Lubrification indicator on touch panel , Electromechanic double sheet control , Front and side sheet size control , Safety photocell for the sheet in advance

    No of Copies: 44

    Availability: Immediately

  • Sakurai OLIVER 272-2 RP 1990

    Ref no: 24036483

    Accessories: Antistatic device , Mechanic and electronic sheed control device , Straight 2/0 or Perfecting 1/1 , Ink roller device , Hicky Picker : powder and durty eliminator on the plate , COOL MATIC device , Powder device , High Pile , Speed from 4.000 to 10.000 c/h

    Availability: Immediately

  • Heidelberg SM102-2 P 1999

    Ref no: 22036292

    Accessories: CP 2000 console touch screen, axial, circumferential and diagonal register remote control, ink ductors rotation control, job memorization , CP 2000 MasterLevel , Additional double sheet electronic detection , Roller wash-up device controlled by CP 2000 , Modular blanket cylinder washing device by CP 2000 , Autoplate , 2/0 ; 1/1 Semi-automatic Perfecting , Chromed blanket cylinders , Sheet transfer cylinder jackets Perfect Jacket type for impression cylinder after perfecting , Alcolor Vario System damping , Technotrans FK-C 2000 L – H - water cabin refrigeration

    No of Copies: 130

    Availability: Ready for delivery

  • Heidelberg SM52-4 + 2001

    Ref no: 23036384

    Accessories: CP 2000 console touch screen, axial, cirfumferential, diagonal register with flash memory , Suction belt on feeder , Electronic side lays control , Pull lays remotely controlled by CP 2000 , Alcolor damping , Autoplate , Roller wash-up device controlled by CP 2000 , Blanket-impression cylinder washing device by CP 2000 , Sheet slow-down device suction drum , Sheet decurler , Mediprint powder spray

    No of Copies: 56

    Availability: Immediately

  • Mitsubishi 3F-4 TC-ED + L 1998

    Ref no: 24036439

    Accessories: Comrac: Console ink, axial, circumferential diagonal remote control , Mechanic double sheet control , Steel infeed table with sheet-blocking suction , Original Head feeder MHI , Sheet deceleration system on front registers , Antistatico on feeder , Remote controlled feeder timing system , Non-stop on feeder , SAPC Autoplate , Automatic roller wash-up device , Blanket cylinder with anti-shock damping system

    No of Copies: 191

    Availability: Immediately

  • Komori LITHRONE LS 40-5 HC 2003

    Ref no: 21036027

    Accessories: PQC: console for ink, axial, circumferential diagonal remote control , AMR (Automatic Make Ready): automatic preset for pressure, paper size and thickness setting , KMS : Komori Management System , KHS : Komori High Performance System , PDC : Auto Tracking Color Control , Pile alignment on feeder , Micrometric adjustment of the lateral pull pay by touch panel +/- 3 mm. , Optical fiber precision photocell system for front and side control + safety photocell for the sheet in advance , Paper deformation compensator placed on the infeed cylinder with remote control , Mechanical sheet stop in case of misregistration or crooked sheet , Feeler foot with double ionizing antistatic blower: for a good sheet separation on the back side of the pile

    No of Copies: 130

    Availability: Immediately

  • Heidelberg SM52-5 P3+LX 2003

    Ref no: 19033536

    Accessories: CP 2000 console touch screen, axial, circumferencial and diagonal register remote control, ink ductors rotation control, job memorization , Side lays adjusting control by CP2000 , ZMK electronic side lays control , Double sheet detector - pulling device , No. 2 Eltex ion blowers on feeder , Belt suction on feeder , Fully automatic perfecting 5/0 ; 2/3 , Autoplate : semiautomatic plate change , Alcolor damping , Roller wash up device controlled by CP2000 , Blanket and impression cylinders automatic washing devices by CP 2000

    No of Copies: 42

    Availability: Ready for delivery

  • Heidelberg CD74-5 P3+LX2-C UV Hybrid 2005

    Ref no: 22036295

    Accessories: CP 2000 MasterLevel , CP 2000 console touch screen, axial, cirfumferential, diagonal register with flash memory , Central single suction belt on feeder , Compac antistatic on feeder , Ultrasonic double-sheet control , Multiple-sheet detector/ tear-off , Double sheet electronic detection , Preset : automatic size adjusting on feeder , Alcolor Vario System damping , CombiStar CAN : Technotrans ink temp control combined with damping refrigeration + Alcosmart; functions remote controlled by console , Roller wash-up device controlled by CP 2000

    No of Copies: 224

    Availability: Immediately

  • Heidelberg CD102-5 LX2 2007

    Ref no: 25036503

    Accessories: CP 2000 console touch screen, axial, circumferential and diagonal register remote control, ink ductors rotation control, job memorization , CP 2000 MasterLevel , Preset Plus Feeder , Slow down : system to slow the sheet down then 65% on feeder , Ultrasonic sensor double-sheet control , Suction belt feeder with 3 sections of transport of sheets to the frontal registers , Pneumatic side register control with integrated auto cleaning and double sheet control with direct system , Electronic side lays control , Head feeder 3 more suctions for paper transport , Front sensor on flap of the feeder , Pull lay control

    No of Copies: 194

    Availability: 28/04/2025

  • Heidelberg CD102-5 LX2 Hibrid 2008

    Ref no: 25036502

    Accessories: Prinect Press Center touch screen console , Axis Control : spectrophotometric quality control , Preset Plus Feeder , Ultrasonic sensor double-sheet control , Double sheet detector - pulling device , Pull lay control , Multiple-sheet detector/ tear-off detector , Multiple sheet control/Forwarding roller , Rear edge blowers on feeder , Roller wash-up device controlled by Prinect Press Center , Modular blanket cylinder washing device by Prinect Press Center

    No of Copies: 105

    Availability: 21/07/2025

  • Manroland R 900-6 LV (SIZE 6) 2000

    Ref no: 20035635

    Accessories: RCI ink control system , Circumferential, lateral and diagonal register remote control , Roland-Deltamatic damping unit , Automatic Ink wash-up device , Automatic blanket wash-up device , PPL Semi-automatic plate change , RCI console for ink and axial, circumferential for plate cylinders , Non-stop on feeder with swords , Preset automatic sizes adjustment on feeder and delivery, on pressure, on gripper bars transfer cylinder , Ink ductor temperature control , Technotrans Beta.d cooling and circulation + automix

    No of Copies: 120

    Availability: Immediately

  • Manroland R 900-6 LTTLV HYBRID (SIZE 6) 2004

    Ref no: 24036471

    Accessories: RCI console for ink and axial, circumferential for plate cylinders , Multi CCI 2D (Spectrophometric control) , Pile alignment on feeder , Pneumatic side lays , Non-stop on feeder with swords , Sheet Decurler , Automatic roller wash-up device , Automatic impression cylinder wash-up devices with brush , Roland-Deltamatic System damping , TRANSFERTER: Ventury Air Transfer system , APL : automatic plate change

    No of Copies: 400

    Availability: Immediately

  • Heidelberg CD74LY-6 +L-FX3 2007

    Ref no: 24036486

    Accessories: CP 2000 touch screen consolle , S/W CP 2000 MasterLevel , S/W CP 2000 Instant Star , S/W CP 2000 DryStar Advanced , S/W CP 2000 Instant Gate , PreLoading device , Multiple-sheet detector tear-off , Antistatic Advance in feeder , Double sheet detector - pulling device , Ultrasonic double-sheet control , Roller wash up device controlled by CP2000

    No of Copies: 209

    Availability: 31/03/2025

  • Heidelberg XL75-8 LX3-F Hybrid-Foil 2008

    Ref no: 20035535

    Accessories: Prinect Press Center console touch screen, axial, circumferential and diagonal register remote control, ink ductors rotation control, job memorization , Prinect Press Center MasterLevel , Prinect Press Center IntantGate , Press Center InstantStar , Pile height sensor , Pneumatic side register control with integrated auto cleaning and double shee control with direct system , Ultrasonic double-sheet control , Double sheet detector - pulling device , Multiple-sheet detector/ tear-off , Antistatic device Advanced on feeder , Alcolor Vario System damping

    No of Copies: 142

    Availability: Immediately

  • Roland R 800-8 + L Thesis Coating Unit 1988

    Ref no: 25036508

    Accessories: 7 printing units + Coating TGC Thesis , Sheet control, on all travel sheet , RCI 2 console for ink and axial, circumferential for plate cylinders , Lateral pneumatic side lays , Rolandmatic damping , Aqua Press System damping refrigeration with automix , Air drums , Quick clamps plate cylinders , Automatic blanket washers with cloth by Baldwin , Varnishing unit TG Color System , Non-Stop Rollo-Matic in delivery

    Availability: Immediately

  • Heidelberg SM102-10 P 2006

    Ref no: 19033962

    Accessories: CP 2000 console touch screen, axial, circumferential and diagonal register remote control, ink ductors rotation control, job memorization , CP 2000 MasterLevel , CP 2000 Preset Link , CP 2000 Tandem Wash : impression cylinder washing device by CP 2000 , Preset Plus Feeder , Head feeder 3 more suctions for paper transport , Front sensor on flap of the feeder , Slow down : system to slow the sheet down then 65% on feeder , Ultrasonic sensor double-sheet control , Suction belt feeder with 3 sections of transport of sheets to the frontal registers , Pneumatic side register control with integrated auto cleaning and double sheet control with direct system

    No of Copies: 266

    Availability: Immediately


Camporese Macchine Grafiche S.p.A
Via Del Santo, 243 - 35010 - Limena (Padova) Italy
+39 049 767166
+39 049 767629
Partita Iva IT03429400280
Euro 2.000.000,00 issued and fully paid-up share capital
Euro 5.495.000,00 net asset


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