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Closed positively the Open House Camporese in Rome

The Open House Camporese took place in Centro di Formazione Salesiano Pio XI of Roma is just finished; it has been an interesting opportunity to compare vision of the market with a lot of printers and some parners, such as X-Rite who presented technical solution to update the offset machines, in this case our Heidelberg Speedmaster 52-5P3H+LX 5 col + coating, we brought for the exibition, togheter with following devices : - Ink Interface Camporese : for setting ink zone directly by ctp via our software kit, via CP2000 - X-Rite spectophotometer measurement control to keep stable the colours according to the standard ISO 12647 - software OPTIMIZER of Alwan Color Expertise, to obtain files PDF according to ISO 12647 interacting just in time with the CP2000 and in the same time to get steady the ctp linearization job by job of the sistem ctp/CP2000 with production of report of conformity and no-conformity
-software STANDARDIZER of Alwan Color Expertise, to obtain printing job according to ISO 12647 automatically ! with production of report of conformity and no-conformity.
The fast makeready and the high quality of our SM52-5P3+LX togheter with above showed devices, even impressed the digital printers.
At the beginning there were suspicious but after our demo they understood how small Heidelberg SM offset retrofitted, above all after they knew the prices, could improve their business. Web to print will be the new way of doing business, the market already have several succesful case history even in Italy! The challange will be based on cost reduction thanks to the high performance of the retrofitted Heidelberg able to reply on demand market as the same then digital but most of the time with low costs - except for variable data - and higher performance; our used Heidelberg perfectly replies to this new market demand.
Thanks a lot to all the people who attended the Open House and especially to the Centro di Formazione Salesiano Pio XI of Roma (Salesiani Graphic School) who gave us a great hospitality !


Camporese Macchine Grafiche S.p.A
Via Del Santo, 243 - 35010 - Limena (Padova) Italy
+39 049 767166
+39 049 767629
Partita Iva IT03429400280
Euro 2.000.000,00 issued and fully paid-up share capital
Euro 5.495.000,00 net asset


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