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Romana Editrice installed an CD102-5L CP2000 sold by Camporese

We sold with great sactisfaction an Heidelberg CD102-5+L CP2000 to Romana Editrice of Roma. The Romana Editrice owners, knew very well where to buy the best Heidelberg used machines, fully refurbished at zero copy ! After they visited us, they looked at the machine in object, during refurbishing process in our Camporese Refurbishment Center, they bought immediately ! The machine is running between two and three shefts per day, high quality jobs thanks to an used machine with the perfomance similar to the new ! A lot of customers have been already relying on Camporese as the only player agree to warranty to the market the best alternative to a new Heidelberg machine. Thanks also to our agent of Lazio area, Mr. Enzo Bernardi, who drove Romana Editrice to buy this top machine, he also is happy he sold other important machines since the beginning of this critical year to our customer.


Camporese Macchine Grafiche S.p.A
Via Del Santo, 243 - 35010 - Limena (Padova) Italy
+39 049 767166
+39 049 767629
Partita Iva IT03429400280
Euro 2.000.000,00 issued and fully paid-up share capital
Euro 5.495.000,00 net asset


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