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One Automatic Die-Cutting machine Bobst SP 104 E 2004 fully rebuilt to Usa packaging printer


We have sold in the Unated States a automatic die-cutting machine, manufacturer Bobst, model SP 104 E, one of the most strong and reliable machines built by Bobst directly in Switzerland.

The machine has been completely rebuilt and reassembled for testing at our subsidiary SBM Srl of Sergio Bocchio workshop located in Robecco sul Naviglio.

Another die-cutting Bobst machine bearing the Camporese-Bocchio brand destined for the American market !






Camporese Macchine Grafiche S.p.A
Via Del Santo, 243 - 35010 - Limena (Padova) Italy
+39 049 767166
+39 049 767629
Partita Iva IT03429400280
Euro 2.000.000,00 issued and fully paid-up share capital
Euro 5.495.000,00 net asset


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