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Heidelberg CD102-6+L fully rebuilt and upgraded to the latest technologies


We are installing in our Workshop of Limena Padova a fully rebuilt Heidelberg CD102-6+L CP2000

to print packaging in the cheapest way, showing to our customer how to reduce the cost of process with the

GMP-GREEN MULTICOLOR PRINTING technology, using conventional ink and Leduv.

The machine, even if not so young, but not so much, will be "updated" to the last technologies (+fast, +quality e +flexibility) 

in order to reply to the challanges of the new market thanks to :

1 INK INTERFACE: is the connection between pre press and the printing machine. The image on the plates are automatically converted in opening ink ducts motors (ink levels). The machine will be automatically set to the job to be printed by resetting the start-up rimes and decreasing waste REDUCTION OF START-UP TIMES AND REDUCTION OF WASTE. 
2 CALIBRATION AND STABILIZATION OF WORK THANKS TO MEASURING INSTRUMENTS: The Techkon measuring instrument, allows you to create and maintain the qualitative standard in work both in terms of quality and time.
In the links you can see examples and case histories, here are just some advantages of led printing, those who try it can no longer do without it:
  • increase the portfolio of printable media
  • improve the productivity of the machine and the quality on natural and uncoated papers, recycled papers and on jobs in general with many masses of color
  • the dry product can be processed immediately
  • elimination of the ghost effect
  • possibility of making very high and heavy piles
  • reduction of cleaning of the machine between one job and another by increasing the useful printing time

... basically, a new life for this Heidelberg CD that will serve as an example of upgrading your machines.



For any need you can contact us immediately by dialing our mobile number +39 338 2088211 (Mr. Alessandro Dazzi) or by email





Camporese Macchine Grafiche S.p.A
Via Del Santo, 243 - 35010 - Limena (Padova) Italy
+39 049 767166
+39 049 767629
Partita Iva IT03429400280
Euro 2.000.000,00 issued and fully paid-up share capital
Euro 5.495.000,00 net asset


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