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Heidelberg XL105-8+LYYL-UV/IR sold in Usa

We sold to our USA customer a wonderful 2011 HEIDELBERG XL 105-8+LYYL-UV/IR, Double Coater, Inpress Control and Autoplate XL, elevated 875 mm.

The machine has just been dismantled and comes from a Leading Packaging Company in Swisse; it has been loaded on containers and shipped for USA 
All Covid19 safety precautions have been taken by our team of engineers working in Swisse in order to avoid every possible problem for their and plant people health.
Thanks to all the staff involved to allow the delivery on time to our customer under this stressful and difficult period.

Thanks again the the USA customer for the trustiness in Camporese Macchine Grafiche Spa


Camporese Macchine Grafiche S.p.A
Via Del Santo, 243 - 35010 - Limena (Padova) Italy
+39 049 767166
+39 049 767629
Partita Iva IT03429400280
Euro 2.000.000,00 issued and fully paid-up share capital
Euro 5.495.000,00 net asset


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