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CGV Packaging Industry starts with a new Plastic Division with a Heidelberg XL 105-6+LYYL-UV bought from Camporese fully refurbished

For over 40 years Cartotecnica Grafica Vicentina has dressed products with professionalism and precision, investing in technology and in the search for materials.

This strategy includes the birth of the new division dedicated to plastic packaging.





With the advent of the Heidelberg Speedmaster XL105 in the 70x100 format, in a 6-color configuration with a double coating tower, overhauled and installed by Camporese about a year ago, we thought that, in addition to being present on the carton packaging market, we also wanted to enter in the world of plastic packaging ".

At CGV all the work phases are performed internally with high flexibility combined with high production efficiency.

"We believe that our work is constantly evolving -  Campagnaro says - The new CGV Plastic Division. This project was born towards the end of 2017, when the disposable plastic disposal campaign was not yet underway. Sometimes, this issue it is treated superficially and there is no precise information about it. In some cases, in fact, plastic has a circular economy longer than that of cardboard ".

The Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 105 from Camporese is well integrated in this process, in fact it is much easier to use, but it is much more useful.

"The machine XL105 fully satisfies us, we continue to test it, from the point of view of the supports that can be considered and difficult to work - explains Antonio. - We have invested in this sector also inserting operators already competent in the treatment of these materials, which has allowed to resolve in rapid problems to the problems related to printing on plastic materials. In addition to packaging, we have also expanded the offer a material for sales at the point of sale, such as window stickers and exhibitors, or lenticular printing. ahead with excellent results ". In CGV the entire work is subjected to rigorous tests to reach the certainty of a product that complies with the highest quality standards. Each product is the synthesis of resources, knowledge and productive efficiency planned in detail. Campagnaro concludes: "Communication is increasingly important in our sector, so we have created a new monograph by investing our Research and Development resources for a look and an ad hoc voice that best describes our reality and new investments made to give to the customer a service more and more at 360 degrees "


Camporese Macchine Grafiche S.p.A
Via Del Santo, 243 - 35010 - Limena (Padova) Italy
+39 049 767166
+39 049 767629
Partita Iva IT03429400280
Euro 2.000.000,00 issued and fully paid-up share capital
Euro 5.495.000,00 net asset


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