The machine was selected and carefully inspected by our engineers prior to purchase.
XL75-8 LX3-F Hybrid-Foil
Sheetfed Offset/Offset a foglio
Max sheet size
600,5 x 750
Prinect Press Center console touch screen, axial, circumferential and diagonal register remote control, ink ductors rotation control, job memorization
Prinect Press Center MasterLevel
Prinect Press Center IntantGate
Press Center InstantStar
Pile height sensor
Pneumatic side register control with integrated auto cleaning and double shee control with direct system
Ultrasonic double-sheet control
Double sheet detector - pulling device
Multiple-sheet detector/ tear-off
Antistatic device Advanced on feeder
Printing Units
Alcolor Vario System damping
Autoplate : semi-automated plate change
Double diameter impression cylinders
Double diameter transfer cylinder between printing units, with Air Transfer System with possibility to adjust automatically it based on thickness of material to print
Roller wash-up device controlled by Prinect Press Center
Blanket and impression cylinders automatic washing devices by Prinect Press Center
CombiStar CAN : Technotrans ink temp control combined with damping refrigeration + Alcosmart
Agitatori di inchiostro Technotrans
No.4 UV ZDT separate interdeck dryers
Technotrans beta.f cabin : dampening solution fine filtration
Interdeck drying ZDT prepared after 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Varnishing units
Varnishing unit, with cooking register, Tresu chambered doctor blade system, with anilox roller
TRESU AQUA L10 Coating Circulator
Coating Star : heat coater system
Weko AP230 powder spray device
Extended Delivery (240 cm / X3)
Weko AP232 powder spray device
Antistatic device Advanced on delivery
DryStar 2000 Combination via CanOpen (5 slide-in dryers) : pos. 1 dryer slide-in unit IR/HA hot air; pos. 2 Air; pos. 3 dryer slide-in unit HA hot air; pos. 4 No. x 2 IST UV 200 w. lamps; pos. 5 KL Cold Air.
ScrollStar : Atlas Copco compressor
AirStar Pro : central air box water cooled
15.000 speed/h
FoilStar 74/45 Bielomatik
Technotrans cabin : chiller for water cooled cabinets pump and circulation unit with 2 seperate circulations
Interphone on feeder/delivery
Machine overview
Serial Number
N.of Impressions
142 mio.
“EXTRA” Accessories Overview
Prinect Press Center IntantGate
Press Center InstantStar
Ultrasonic double-sheet control
Double sheet detector - pulling device
Multiple-sheet detector/ tear-off
Antistatic device Advanced on feeder
Agitatori di inchiostro Technotrans
No.4 UV ZDT separate interdeck dryers
Technotrans beta.f cabin : dampening solution fine filtration
Interdeck drying ZDT prepared after 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
TRESU AQUA L10 Coating Circulator
Coating Star : heat coater system
Extended Delivery (240 cm / X3)
Antistatic device Advanced on delivery
DryStar 2000 Combination via CanOpen (5 slide-in dryers) : pos. 1 dryer slide-in unit IR/HA hot air; pos. 2 Air; pos. 3 dryer slide-in unit HA hot air; pos. 4 No. x 2 IST UV 200 w. lamps; pos. 5 KL Cold Air.
AirStar Pro : central air box water cooled
FoilStar 74/45 Bielomatik
Technotrans cabin : chiller for water cooled cabinets pump and circulation unit with 2 seperate circulations