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Arti Grafiche Agostini buy an Heidelberg 8 colors Camporese

Another Heidelberg SM 102-8P has been sold and already installed by us to our customer in Lazio near Rome, Arti Grafiche Agostini. The machine has been choosed during a visit of the customer to Camporese Refurbishment Center of Limena - Padova (I) just after they looked at refurbishment working process and steps so the high level of the quality of this eight colours in object !  The machine has been delivered and installed in a wonderful new building of about 2.500 square meters in a new industrial area named Anagni. The customer placed the SM102-8P side by side to other two other machines Heidelberg 102 V and Heidelberg 102 F, both rebuilt by Camporese and decided to point to this new investment for be quicker and convenient without compromizing high quality printing jobs! High satisfaction for the parties involved rappresents a success for the thirth Heidelberg Camporese machine sold to the same customer in a period then 10 years. Also in this deal, as always for our customers, overpassed the expectations!


Camporese Macchine Grafiche S.p.A
Via Del Santo, 243 - 35010 - Limena (Padova) Italy
+39 049 767166
+39 049 767629
Partita Iva IT03429400280
Euro 2.000.000,00 issued and fully paid-up share capital
Euro 5.495.000,00 net asset


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