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The Seventy Years of Camporese

The development of worldwide demand for used machines that has shaped the market over the past 15 years shows. no sign of slowing down.

With an annual turnover of over 20 million euros, Camporese has already been continuing to intensify and diversify the sale of its machinery in foreign markets for several years (USA, China, South-East Asian countries, etc, ...).
Even if the company has intensified its sales abroad, it remains perfectly structured and ready to satisfy the expected growing demand from the domestic market for both Heidelberg and Bobst overhauled machines.

This perspective today appears to be more stimulated by the reduction in the ceiling of customers interested in new machines who will enjoy less and less of the tax breaks provided for by the National Industry 4.0 Plan.
This range of customers will be more inclined to consider the considerable savings represented by recent used machines,  always overhauled and guaranteed. To confirm this, the Limena-based company already has several orders in its portfolio for its machines, all extremely performing and adhering to the current challenges of the graphics market: from the Heidelberg XL106-8P+L, Heidelberg XL106-10P, both with Autoplate XL , InPress Control and fully automatic perfecting, SM102-2P models equipped with perfecting and Autoplate system, etc.;
in terms of die-cutters, orders are for Bobst SP102 BMA and Bobst SP76BM models, both for hot melt gold, Bobst SP 130 E, Bobst SP 104 E, Bobst Speria and Novacut 106. To meet the growing market demand, the company has purchased the following machines for its stock:
Heidelberg CD102-6LYYLX3 Hybrid with double coater; Heidelberg XL106-8P+LX4 with Perfecting 4/4, Autoplate XL, InPress Control as well as a coater tower and extended delivery; Heidelberg XL105-6+LX; Heidelberg XL105-5+LX, Heidelberg CD102-4+LX, In support of customer assistance in Camporese, a team made up of specialized technicians employed by the group in Limena as well as Intelligent Service staff, led by Christian Cassani in Milan.
The latter, jointly owned by Camporese, specializes above all in the electronic problems of Heidelberg offset machines.
An excellent technical service assisted in synergy and borrowed from Camporese.


On the Bobst front, there are about twenty machines in stock, some of which are already overhauled, guaranteed, ready for delivery and visible in production in Robecco sul Naviglio: Bobst SP 142 ER, Bobst SP 104 ER, Bobst SP 130 ER (both with double station), Bobst SP 76 BM, Bobst SPéria Foilmaster 102, Bobst SP 102 BMA (both hot stamping machines);
Bobst SP 104 E, Bobst SP 106 Speria, Bobst 106 NOVACUT, etc.
The Bobst machines are managed by the Robecco sul Naviglio facility, assisted by the expert technician of Bobst machines, Sergio Bocchio and his staff, at the SBM Srl workshop.

All Camporese machines are listed on the website

With satisfaction Camporese is pleased to announce the completion of its seventieth year of activity!

An important milestone for all the staff and for the Camporese family at the helm of the company for three generations.


Source : Il Poligrafico


Camporese Macchine Grafiche S.p.A
Via Del Santo, 243 - 35010 - Limena (Padova) Italy
+39 049 767166
+39 049 767629
Partita Iva IT03429400280
Euro 2.000.000,00 issued and fully paid-up share capital
Euro 5.495.000,00 net asset


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