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R 705-5LV Direct Drive to a Top South Italy pharma packaging industry


We sold to our customer located in Campania region (South Italy), a wonderful R 705-5LV Direct Drive just now in production.

Customer is very sactidfied, machine very reliable and just perfect for many daily small short print runs thanks to the Direct Drive technology.

Thank you to the customer for the trust placed in us for the third time and also to our service partner Luca Borrelli,

SBG Graphic Machine owner together with his professional Staff.

In fact, this company bought from us two industrial digital printing machine Fujifilm Jet Press 720 S just suitable for small quantities of boxes but in incredible high quality with simulation of wide range of pantone colours.

This company is one of the most promising potential South Italy pharma packaging industry. The case history of this company is a demonstration of the goodness advices and suggestions supplied from our Staff.


Camporese Macchine Grafiche S.p.A
Via Del Santo, 243 - 35010 - Limena (Padova) Italy
+39 049 767166
+39 049 767629
Partita Iva IT03429400280
Euro 2.000.000,00 issued and fully paid-up share capital
Euro 5.495.000,00 net asset


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